For a while now I have bumped into Laurie in the electronic space of the interwebs. This woman is a fireball writer and activist. Often she will write memoirs, women’s fiction, and chick lit, and blogs about reading, writing, and of course, all things reproduction at Last May she took that fiery passion within, … [Read more...]
No Womb for Mother’s Day This Year…
Mother's Day is all about YOUR mom right? It is the 1 day out of the year that is specifically designated to spoil those "moms" in your life for putting up with your crap ever since you were brought into this world... by her no less. Literally, these are the women who changed your diaper, refrained from strangeling you when you were a smart mouthed … [Read more...]
2WW Jar
Chris: Candace is crafty, that's for sure. There is a saying that goes something like, "you can try to polish a turd, but in the end, it is still a pile of crap." Candace violated this with our two week wait jar. The two week wait is exactly that, a BIG pile of crap. You go to the fertility clinic and have your transfer, so effectively you walk out … [Read more...]