Started IVF treatments
November 19, 2010
{insert cabbage patch dance} My treatment worked, cells are gone for now. Dr. S said don’t get too excited it will most like resurface BUT for now, onward fertility procedures.
2nd fresh round. Go back to the beginning and start again. Lots and Lots of stimulation meds, and a very successful retrieval. We scored 6 blastocysts out from this round!
5th transfer- and big fat FAIL
Surgery, our RE wanted to “see” why the ‘F’ the last transfer didn’t work. Guess what he found, more adhesions and such. A little uterus house cleaning and we are ready for our next, final, round of IVF.
6th transfer- big, fat FAIL and crushing blow to our hopes for a biological child. Shattered to splinters. Cry, drink, eat, repeat.
We picked ourselves up, decided we would not be defeated, and set our sights for starting a family in the realm of adoption. We met with a few adoption agencies and ultimately, signed up with Bethany Christian Services.
We completed mountains of paperwork, attended tons of classes and passed our first home visit with Bethany Christian Services. All that is left is to create a profile book and pass our final home visit. We hope to be on the waiting list soon.
Uhmm, ready for this curveball … we had someone come forward and volunteer to be a gestational carrier for us! Really?! We never even considered this avenue due to the cost of it. We put the brakes on the adoption process and decide to forge ahead with surrogacy.

August, 2016
An acquaintance approached us to do a second surrogacy!
September-March, 2016
We go through the lonnnnng “hurry-up and wait” process of building a contract, testing, and Chris’s boys had to be under quarantine. FUNNNNNNNN
I go through a 3rd fresh IVF transfer. 18 retrieved, 5 make it to blast, PGT-A testing 3 make the final cut.
July, 2017
Our Gestational carrier gets cold feet and backs out.
A large part of 2017:
We shall deem this the Great Depression. It was dark times. There was wine, tissues and therapy involved.
August, 2018:
Another gestational carrier offers to be our surrogacy. Is this really happening?
October, 2018:
Contract signed…..
2019: ….