Does this image look all too familiar to anyone?
I use to call this my “trashcan of disappointment” read our very first throwback post here. That white plastic receptacle unit that resided in my bathroom corner would be the bane of my existence. Every.Single.Month I would hopefully and yet reluctantly, buy a few different boxes of ovulation kits and tests.
OPK Surge- SWEET! “Hey you, (Chris, just to be clear)… the one with the sperm and dangly bits, get over here fella!” The baby making triathlon would begin and the result would be Chris would feel like a piece of man-meat that was alive for one single reason which was procreation and I would end up with my legs and butt in the air which everyone knows is oh-so-sexy after you have just done your business.
Two weeks later- I stalk the bathroom. Pause, as I walk passed it for the 5th time. Should I test? AH, it’s probably too early I would tell myself… so I did what any person would do with my conundrum, I Google it. Despite the hodge podge of yes, no, and maybes, I proceed cautiously with hope and excitement.
This is when it would begin. I would feed that trashcan test after test, box after box. Cursing each one for being faulty. Perhaps it was late implantation or a bad few batches of tests? As the trash can would slowly fill day after day my hopes of being a mom would start to empty. Then when the bucket of disappointment would reach max capacity, my period would come. Which was the pin to the already deflated balloon of hope I had for that month. I always somehow still held on that very thin string of hope… for over 6 years, I would watch month after month that trashcan fill up. Mock me and represent failure. Yet, still we would push forward.
Now, that same trash can of disappointment is in my bathroom still. Empty. No more OPKs or pregnancy tests, or tampons too overflow with. It is empty. My arms however they are not. They are filled with a wiggly, giggly almost 1 year old. This trashcan not only represented years of tears, but it also represented something much more. It is almost like a trophy as odd as that sounds. I never was able to test positive on a pregnancy test. That bane of my monthly existence never saw the glorious light from double lines. My gestational carrier though, she did test positive! She selflessly helped me defeat the trashcan of disappointment.
So for those who have their own trashcans, allow us and my good friends at Fairhaven Health, fill them up with hope and BFPs. Literally! We have partnered together this week and they have generously given me a Fertility Pack to give-away. Man, I love these guys. Really, (mind you this is not a paid post) they care and they have some great products for damn near everything you could ever need for boosting your fertility, tracking ovulation, and HPKs for tracking the ever-elusive BFP. It is clear in all of my interactions with them that they truly seek to make your family building dreams into a reality. They asked me, “what do your readers need?” My answer: a baby. But since they can’t do that, how about some Fertilitea Tea and a BFP Tests Strips Little Bundle? Thank you Fairhaven Health, YOU ROCK!
The Fertility Pack Includes:
BFP Test Strip Little Bundle: 15 Ovulation Strips, 5 pregnancy test strips
Fertilitea: check out the description here.
Although the price for both of these products is extremely reasonable (for those who may not win the giveaway). We all know free is even better!! So here is how you can get your hands on the Fertility Pack Give-away:
Go to the give-away on Raffle Copter below and complete as many tasks as you are comfortable doing. The more you do, the better your chances. Good luck and we will pick a winner next week!

It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one with a trashcan of disappointment! 🙂
I.HATE.THAT.TRASHCAN but yet it is still there. You are not alone, we all know all to well the vicious cycle.
I soooo know what you mean about the trashcan of disappointment! On our 4th year of ttc with secondary iinfertility.
Ugh, 4th year?! It is maddening Krista, I am sorry. Secondary is so frustrating. I also think it is something that needs be brought to light more. Future blog post??….
I just threw away all my wondfos because they expired and I’m in the TWW of my first IUI. I wish I had them back to test out my trigger.
Good luck on your 1st IUI!
I been TTC for almost 4 years and I have spent a lot on TTC items.
It is such a money pit. I could have probably funded a round of IVF meds with the amount I have spent on tests throughout the years! Wishing you baby dust and double lines Debbie.
I want to win the fertility pack because my husband and I lost our little one recently and we are TTC. It is always a heartbreak to not see a BFP, but it won’t stop us 🙂 Hoping to get a BFP using this. *fingers and toes crossed*
Lici- This breaks my heart. I am so sorry for your loss. I am inspired by your unbreakable spirit though! Crossing everything … except legs. =) and wishing you luck and a BFP
We’ve been TTC for 2 years, hoping this great pack might give us some help.
Wishing you luck and a BFP Jet!!
That’s awesome of you to do a giveaway! I love these kinds of contests 😀
My husband and I tried to conceive for over 5 years unsuccessfully, they said ICSI was the only way but it didn’t work. We were heartbroken. It’s amazing how bad I felt every mothers day, I was in a spiral of depression.
I used a system that my friend told me about, she said it was featured on Oprah: Reverse Infertility Video – I truly feel blessed everyday when I look at my baby Maya. I think passing on your genes is one of the most beautiful and meaningful things one can ever do.
Anywho we’re trying for our second and this prize would come in handy.
Have a great day!
I will check out that video, thank you for sharing. And Good luck in TTC your 2nd mini!
I now have a 5 yr old after 4 years of infertility . our 1st ivf was a success. Now trying for #2 and the pain is all the same. We are trying as we are hoping it will happen naturally. This would really help as all of us know the torment month after month the desperation of wanting to see those 2 blue lines…all my daughter wants is a sibling and I’m sad that I may not be able to give her that.
Audrey, I fear this. I know I have a few years before the questions come but I fear them when they do. I can not provide a sibling for our surro-miracle. I understand your pain and the pain of secondary.
I would love this pack because my husband and I are TTC! We have been trying for 7 months and I was just diagnosed with PCOS, I also have endometriosis. We just started seeing a fertility specialist so we are excited about what the future holds!
Meg Good luck on your journey! I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis but have faith in your future. It is a tulmoutous path but it is so worth it in the end.
I’ve gone through countless ovulation and pregnancy test, more that I care to even think about! But we’re still trying! I could sure use the tea to help us get pregnant and the tests to see how well the tea works!
Em, I love your attitude! Keep trying and pressing forward. I have heard great things about the Fertilititea so hopefully it will help aid in a BFP for whoever wins the Fertility Pack!
I’m excited to try the tea! So far we’ve been TTC for 6 months with no luck, but I’m staying optimistic!
Take Care