Candace: Holy Moley, it has been a rough few days. Since I have such a great reaction to the stimulation meds, we have great embie numbers which results in a sick Candace but a happy one nonetheless. Allow me to brag about my awesome ovaries; 14 fertilized, and from that we got 6 blastocysts! What are blastocysts you ask? Some doctors … [Read more...]
It’s a bird, It’s a plane, It’s Super Couple!
T'was the night before our retrieval and we were nervous, excited, and booming with positive vibes. It is best we narrate this story through our eyes... 5:30 am we spring (more Candace than Chris) out of bed, jump in our phone booths spin around a few times and POOF! We have matching Super-hero baby makin' socks (with attached capes as if you … [Read more...]
The Egg Chronicles
Candace: Guess who has follicles? THIS GIRL... Lot's of them too! During my 1000 ultrasounds over the past week, all of the doctors have been ooohing and ahhing about my quickly growing ovaries and the large amount of my many follicles.Question: What came first the Follicle or the Egg?Answer: The Follicle. (Latin for for "nest") … [Read more...]