Does this image look all too familiar to anyone? I use to call this my “trashcan of disappointment” read our very first throwback post here. That white plastic receptacle unit that resided in my bathroom corner would be the bane of my existence. Every.Single.Month I would hopefully and yet reluctantly, buy a few different boxes of ovulation kits … [Read more...]
Got Mail? Journaling Your Path to Parenthood Through Email
Chris: We are in the technology age. What does that mean? Well, for Candace and I, it means that we are getting more and more lost about what our computers are doing and are completely in the dark about how to make sure they keep doing it. It also means that we an unprecedented ability to capture moments, record events, and really, chronicle … [Read more...]
Adoption Easy Button: Adoption Consultants
About a month ago, Chris and I signed up for an Infertility and Adoption Conference named " A Family of My Own" in DC. Now, your probably thinking, why are you posting this? I thought you are cleared for IVF. We are but here's the thing about IVF versus Adoption. IVF is less than a 40-46% chance versus the 100% chance you will become a parent … [Read more...]