There’ll be a pretty steamy GIVEAWAY from the super creative people at The Game of Love in this post folks so read on … I am also going to get a little real here. Like, the door to the bedroom of an infertile couple is about to come off the hinges for a bit. Sex and infertility. These two words go together like peanut butter and jelly do … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Failure
Chris: Warning! We’ze about to get all biblical up in here! Okay, if you are not Christian or Jewish, this will still be applicable, just hang with me on it. I recently started on a ‘read the bible in one year’ plan and have read through Genesis and half of Exodus at this point. Man, talk about a fear of failure. These are biblical … [Read more...]
Fear of Failure: When Struggling with Infertility
This risk was greater than my fear... Candace- That’s what I had to tell myself. Over and over and over and over and over…ad nauseum. We are on the threshold of a new year. Which is filled with energy and hope and a few righteous hangovers. Or if you are like me, it has begun with a few self-help books that is sitting in your Amazon cart and a … [Read more...]